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Search My Site

I'm guessing that you couldn't find what you're looking for and that's why I put this search page on here.  Alternatively, you could always browse my sitemap.


Blonde Moments on Fox News

Have you ever noticed how all of the women news anchors on Fox News are blonde? I have nothing against blonde people, in fact, I myself was born with blonde hair (which has naturally darkened over the years). However, last time I checked, being blonde was…
Have you ever noticed how all of the women news anchors on Fox News are blonde? I have nothing against blonde people, in fact, I myself was born with blonde hair (which has natura…

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Rarely do I step up on my soapbox and even more rarely do I blog in this manner two days in row. Mom and my brother Bill decided it was time to expand the garage built by my dad 25 years ago on the one acre Barcus Estate here in Argos. After two trips to …
Rarely do I step up on my soapbox and even more rarely do I blog in this manner two days in row. Mom and my brother Bill decided it was time to expand the garage built by my dad 2…

Murder on Muckshaw: The Death of My Honeybees

Over the last few days I’ve had this sneaking suspicion that something was wrong with my new honeybee colony. I go out almost every day to check on my bees with just a quick visual inspection of the hive entrance to see who is coming and going. Things wer…
Over the last few days I’ve had this sneaking suspicion that something was wrong with my new honeybee colony. I go out almost every day to check on my bees with just a quick visua…

Back to Beekeeping

Last week, an old family friend was somewhat frantic after a swarm of bees had come to rest in a lilac bush in her front yard. Naturally, I was called to the scene to take care of her problem, seeing as how I have been keeping bees since I was in fifth gr…
Last week, an old family friend was somewhat frantic after a swarm of bees had come to rest in a lilac bush in her front yard. Naturally, I was called to the scene to take care of…

Stop and Think, People

I dislike how writers, journalists, commentators and people in general can spin any situation to make their point. I’ve determined that you cannot argue with these individuals since they are so narrow-minded that it is impossible to have an intelligent de…
I’ve read several studies where they suggest that your mental well-being can be directly tied to how much news you watch on TV. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but this past wee…

Time Change is Really Messing with My Sleeping Habits

This time change is really messing with me and it makes no sense! Before the time change, my sleeping habits were greatly improved - getting a full eight hours of sleep every night was a good habit to have. Now that "summer time" is here, I can't seem to …
This time change is really messing with me and it makes no sense! Before the time change, my sleeping habits were greatly improved - getting a full eight hours of sleep every nigh…