Bob Barcus > Tags


I use various tags on my blog to help me organize the site. You can click on a tag in any blog post or you can search for one below.

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Of Moonshine and Memories

Have you seen the video of people drinking moonshine for the first time........ It come across my Facebook feed a couple of times over the Thanksgiving holiday
Have you seen the video of people drinking moonshine for the first time? It come across my Facebook feed a couple of times over the Thanksgiving holiday, but I neglected to actually watch the video until I got to work on Monday morning. Yes, I have my pri

Grandma's Chair

It................s been awhile since I sat down and had time to blog........ but here I am on the last day of the month pondering the events that have occurred over t....he last few weeks. Perhaps the most poignant of these was the sale of Grandma Bailey
Grandmas chair was sort of a misnomer since there seemed to be dozens of chairs with her name on it, even well beyond the confines of her house. Wherever Grandma went, she was able to label a chair as hers and she wasnt afraid to tell you to get out of

Back to Blogging and Reflecting on the Last 20 Years

After taking a nearly month........long hiatus from blogging........ I think it........s time to step back up to the plate. been so busy lately with work that I have been neglecting this site. Well
After taking a nearly month-long hiatus from blogging, I think it's time to step back up to the plate. I've been so busy lately with work that I have been neglecting this site.

Gone But Not Forgotten

Two years ago today........ my family was struck with an unthinkable tragedy ........ the loss of my dad. A heart attack took him away from us in only his second month of reti
Two years ago today, my family was struck with an unthinkable tragedy - the loss of my dad. A heart attack took him away from us in only his second month of retirement. It was sudden and unexpected. There isn't a single day that goes by that I don't think

Memory Can Be a Precious Thing

Memory can be a precious thing. Remembering the past helps us forge our future and live i....n the moment. It can help us relive the good times and helps us recount the bad ones. I wa
This is the first blog post of a multi-part series on my family history. Preserved for future generations in an online format, it is my hope that these posts will help truthfully recount events as seen from someone who was actually there.